1 | Baran Kaynak, Sümeyye Kaynak, Özer Uygun - Blockchain Technology in Cloud Manufacturing - 2019 |
2 | Demir, H.İ., Erden, C., Kökçam, A.H., Uygun, Ö. - Concurrent Solution of WATC Scheduling with WPPW Due Date Assignment for Environmentally Weighted Customers, Jobs and Services Using SA and its Hybrid - 2018 |
3 | Uygun Ö., Güven İ., Şimşir F., Aydin M.E. - Selecting Display Products for Furniture Stores Using Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making Techniques - 2018 |
4 | Gidom, M., Abdulla, F.A.A. and Uygun, Ö. - Efficiency Analysis of Lighting Bulbs Using Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis - 2018 |
5 | Taşkın, M.F., Uygun, Ö. - Analyzing Factors of Green Supply Chain Management using Structural Equation Modelling - 2018 |
6 | Demir, H.İ., Kökçam, A.H., Şimşir, F., Uygun, Ö. - Solving Process Planning, Weighted Earliest Due Date Scheduling and Weighted Due Date Assignment Using Simulated Annealing and Evolutionary Strategies - 2017 |
7 | Uygun, Ö., Kokcam, A.H., Demir, H.İ., Deliismail, I. - A Fuzzy Decision Making Approach on Selecting Subcontractors and Determining Order Quantities - 2017 |
8 | Simsir, F., Civak H., Uygun, Ö. - Demir Çelik Sektöründe Bulanık Mantık Yaklaşımıyla Optimal Stok Seviyelerinin Belirlenmesi: Kardemir A.Ş. Örneği - 2017 |
9 | Halil Ibrahim Demir, Caner Erden, Mumtaz Ipek, Ozer Uygun - Solving Weighted Number of Operation Plus Processing Time Due-Date Assignment, Weighted Scheduling and Process Planning Integration Problem Using Genetic and Simulated Annealing Search Methods - 2017 |
10 | Demir, H.I., Erden, C., Goksu, A., Uygun, Ö. - Solving Process Planning, ATC Scheduling and Due-date Assignment Problems Concurrently Using Genetic Algorithm for Weighted Customers - 2016 |
11 | ÖZER UYGUN; ENES FURKAN ERKAN; BETÜL TOPÇUOĞLU - Bulanık Bilişsel Haritalar Temelli Yeşil Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi Değerlendirme Modeli - 2016 |
12 | Kadriye CANPOLAT; ONUR CANPOLAT; ÖZER UYGUN; HALİL İBRAHİM DEMİR; - Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Problemlerinin Bütünleşik Yöntemlerle Çözümü için Otomasyon Geliştirme: Bursiyer Seçimi Örneği - 2015 |
13 | Gökler, S.H., Cömert, S.E., Uygun, Ö., Ardıç, K. - Analyzing the Factor That Effects Working Life of Bandsaw Blades Based on Taguchi-Fuzzy Method - 2015 |
14 | HALİL İBRAHİM DEMİR; TARIK ÇAKAR; ÖZER UYGUN; FUAT ŞİMŞİR; ONUR CANPOLAT - Process Planning and Scheduling with WNOPPT Weighted Due-Date Assignment where Earliness, Tardiness and Due-Dates are Penalized - 2015 |
15 | Yaren, M.F., Taşkın M.F., Uygun, Ö., Alp, A. - Atık Ekonomisi ve Elektronik Atıkların Değerlendirilmesinin Önemi - 2014 |
16 | Taşkın M.F., Uygun, Ö., Alp, A., Yaren, M.F. - Hurda Geri Dönüşüm Ekonomisi ve Yapay Zeka Kullanım Alanları - 2014 |
17 | Karatop, B., Kubat, C. Uygun, Ö. - Using SWOT Analysis and Fuzzy AHP Method in Determining Strategies for Turkish Automotive Sector - 2014 |
18 | Erkmen, İ.N., Uygun, Ö. - Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Method for Evaluation of GSM Operators - 2014 |
19 | Konuşkan Ö., Uygun, Ö. - Evaluation and Selection of Smart Phones using integrated MAUT and Entropy Techniques - 2014 |
20 | Türkoğlu, M.N., Uygun, Ö. - Çukurova Regional Airport Site Selection with VIKOR and MAUT Methods - 2014 |
21 | Tekez, E. K., Uygun Ö. - Critical success factors analysis in a University using Dematel Method - 2013 |
22 | Uygun, Ö., Tekez, E. K., Kaçamak, H., Şimşir, F. - An integrated approach using DEMATEL, ANP and TOPSIS for evaluating research & development projects - 2013 |
23 | Uygun, Ö., Kaçamak, H., Odabaşı, G. - Evaluation of Green Supply Chain Performance - 1-4 July - 2013 |
24 | Kiraz, A., Kubat, C., ,Özbek, Y. Y., Uygun, Ö., Eski, H. - A Web-Based Virtual Experiment in Material Science: Tensile Test Laboratory Application - 24-28 Nisan - 2013 |
25 | ÇAĞATAY TEKE; TUĞBA YÜKSEL;ÖZER UYGUN; - Fuzzy Linear Programming Approach for Deciding the Production Amount of Different Fruit Juice Types - 2013 |
26 | Uygun, O., Kaçamak, H., Kiraz, A., Ayşim, G. - An Integrated Approach for Supplier Selection Problem in an Automotive Industry - 24-28 Mayıs - 2013 |
27 | Kahveci, TC; Uygun, O; Tekez, EK; Sevincli, A; Kilicarslan, AG; Dulger, E - Evaluation of public strategic planning models for Turkish Universities - 8TH INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE - Vol.58 - pp.138-148 - ISSN : 1877-0428 - DOI : 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.987 - English - Proceedings Paper - JUN 21-23, 2012 - 2012 - WOS:000312875900016 |
29 | Uygun Ö., T.Canvar Kahveci, H. Taşkın, B.Priştine - A Model for Measuring Institutionalization Level of SMEs - 13-15 December - 2012 |
30 | Kahveci C.T.,Uygun Ö., Tekez E., Sevinçli A., Kılıçarslan A.G.,Dülger E. - Evaluation of public strategic planning models for Turkish Universities - 2012 |
31 | Uygun, O., Sencer(Turgay), S. - Healthcare Management Evaluation With Fuzzy DEMATEL and Fuzzy ANP Approach - September 27-28 - 2012 |
32 | Ö. Uygun, H. Kaçamak, G. Ayşim, F. Şimşir - Supplier Selection for Automotive Industry Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques - 13-15 December - 2012 |
34 | Uygun, Ö., Kahraman, Ü.A., Kaçamak, H. - Evaluation of Outsourcing Provider for A Telecommunication Company Using DEMATEL and Fuzzy ANP Techniques - 27-28 September - 2012 - SAU |
35 | Uygun, Ö., Kahveci, T.C., Taşkın, H., Priştine, B. - Readiness Assessment Model for Institutionalization of SMEs Using Fuzzy Hybrid MCDM Techniques - 27-28 September - 2012 - SAU |
36 | Karatop, B., Kubat, C., Uygun, Ö. - Fuzzy Logic Approach to Talent Management - 27-28 September - 2012 - SAU |
37 | Tuba Canvar Kahveci, Özer Uygun, Ulaş Yurtsever, Sinan İlyas - Quality assurance in higher education institutions using strategic information systems - 2012 |
38 | Kahveci, TC; Uygun, Ö; Yurtsever, U; Ilyas, S; - Quality assurance in higher education institutions using strategic information systems - 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW HORIZONS IN EDUCATION - INTE 2012 - Vol.55 - pp.161 - ISSN : 1877-0428 - DOI : 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.490 - English - Proceedings Paper - JUN 05-07, 2012 - 2012 - WOS:000313019500021 |
39 | Kahveci, TC; Uygun, O; Tekez, EK; Sevincli, A; Kilicarslan, AG; Dulger, E; - Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences - 8TH INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE - Vol.58 - pp.138 - ISSN : 1877-0428 - DOI : 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.987 - English - Proceedings Paper - 2012 - WOS:000312875900016 |
40 | Oztemel, E.; Kubat, C.; Uygun, O.; Canvar, T.; Korkusuz, T.; Raja, V.; Soroka, A. - Performance assessment of swarm robots - Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - Vol.5611 LNCS - pp.361-367 - ISSN : 03029743 - DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-02577-8_39 - Conference Paper - 2009 - SCOPUS_ID:70350319553 |
41 | Kubat, C., Uygun, Ö., Kiraz, A., Erdem, M. B. - FUZZYSTYRENE: Fuzzy Logic Control of a Styrene Unit to Improve the Unit Performance - 1-2 Ekim - 2009 - SAU |
42 | Oztemel, E; Kubat, C; Uygun, O; Canvar, T; Korkusuz, T; Raja, V; Soroka, A; - Lecture Notes in Computer Science - HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, PT II - Vol.5611 - pp.361 - ISSN : 0302-9743 - English - Proceedings Paper - 2009 - WOS:000268998000039 |
43 | Öztemel,E. , Kubat,C., Uygun,Ö., Canvar,T., Korkusuz,T., Raja,V. and Soroka,A - Performance Assessment of Swarm Robots - 19-24 Eylül - 2009 - SAU |
44 | Uygun, Ö., Kubat, C. - Distributed Manufacturing Simulation with High Level Architecture: A Case Study - 1-14 July - 2008 - SAU |
45 | Coleman, S., Fouweather, T., Henning, H., Uygun, Ö. - Six Sigma Green Belt training for Researchers - 1-14 July - 2008 - SAU |
46 | Kubat, C., Uygun, Ö. - HLA Based Supply Chain Management for Sakarya automobile suppliers - 2-13 July - 2007 - SAU |
47 | Uygun,Ö.,Kubat, C., Öztemel, E. - Scenario Based Distributed Manufacturing Simulation Using HLA Technologies - 29-31 Mayıs - 2006 - SAU |
48 | Uygun, Ö., Şimşir, F., Gündoğar,E., Kubat, C. - HLA Based Distributed Simulation Model for Integrated Maintenance and Production Scheduling System in Textile Industry - 29-31 Mayıs - 2006 - SAU |
49 | Öztemel, E., Kubat,C., Uygun, Ö.,Pazarçeviren,S. - Knowledge Exchange In Manufacturing Information Systems - 6-8 Eylül - 2004 - SAU |
50 | Kubat C., Öztemel E., Uygun Ö. - Advanced Management Information Systems For Municipalities - 26-28 Haziran - 2002 - SAU |
ouygun@sakarya.edu.tr+90 (264) 295 58 90
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